Red Pen Logic

What’s Jesus’ REAL Name? 🤔

Ex-Christian Musician CHALLENGES How Jesus Can be the ONLY WAY to God

No, Christmas Is NOT Pagan

Why This Atheist Doesn't Believe

Why Do People Go To Hell?

LGBT Advocate Argues Jesus Was Trans | Red Pen Rants

What is the Sin of Ham? It Might NOT Be What You Think.

Muslim Knows Who DIDN'T Write the Gospels

Progressive Christian Gets Jesus COMPLETELY Wrong!

A Fundamental Flaw of Deconstruction

Progressive Christian Shows How NOT to Read the Bible

Atheist Says God Isn’t All-Powerful Unless He DEFEATS Himself

Progressive Christian Thinks THIS Bible Verse Proves Sin is Subjective

Does God's Foreknowledge Determine Human Free Will? | Question of the Week

The Trinity EXPLAINS This!

Red Pen Logic & Greg Koukl: How to DEFEND Your Faith | Kirk Cameron on TBN

When Does Human LIFE Begin?

The Bible Doesn’t Say What He Thinks It Says

Progressive Christian Thinks THIS Is Loving But It's Not!

The Bible Says Jesus IS God!

Atheist Tries Refuting First Commandment

Should Religious People Legislate THEIR Beliefs?

Bible Scholar Thinks THIS is a Bible Contradiction

What Matt Walsh Should Have Said to Joe Rogan